
Hi, I've been wanting to start a blog for a while. I thought I would start one on my passion of hunting. This first post I wanted to give you a little background on myself and what I would like to accomplish with this blog.

When I was in high school my family moved to Tennessee. My dad started hunting and, of course, took me with him. We would go hunting for deer, dove, squirrel, and rabbit. We also did a lot of fishing. Then I joined the Navy for 12 years and never did any hunting. After I got out of the Navy, I purchased some firearms of my own and started recreational shooting.

My daughter, who was getting ready to turn 7 at the time, was watching Duck Dynasty. She asked me to start taking her hunting and fishing. We started out squirrel hunting and then deer hunting. We had an awesome hunting themed birthday party for her that year and even had Rise and Shine Retrievers come out and do a demonstration with their amazing retrievers. Best of all they brought several puppies.

Now, she's 10 and she doesn't want to hang out with Dad hunting. Luckily for me, my other daughter, who turns 3 in a couple of weeks, loves going hunting with her Daddy.

Two days after Christmas 2016, I had the honor of killing my first deer. It was an 8-point buck. The best part was that we were back in Tennessee for Christmas so I got to share the experience with my Dad. So far that is the only deer I've gotten.

This spring I took a turkey hunting class through NH Fish and Game and the local NWTF. I was able to harvest my first turkey which was an exciting experience. Maybe I'll share the story in my next post.

For this blog, I would like to share hunting related news, events, and opportunities in New Hampshire and the surrounding areas. I would like to share my experiences as a beginning hunter and the experiences I have spending time with my daughters in the outdoors. I may cover some fishing too. If you have any ideas or things you would like me to cover or questions please leave a comment.


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